
Welcome to the Spanish department.

At St Augustine’s, we teach Spanish at KS3 and KS4. Year 7 students study Spanish for 2 lessons a week; Year 8 and 9 students study Spanish for 3 lessons a week. At KS4, Spanish is a popular option choice and students study Spanish for 3 lessons a week. Students start Spanish in Year 7 and stick to the same language for three years. Spanish is then an option at KS4. Our Spanish curriculum has been planned to ensure that students develop knowledge and skills throughout their experience of Spanish to allow for progression, access to higher level courses at Key Stage 5 and get a deeper understanding of the world and the impact they can have on it in the future.

At St Augustine’s, in the MFL Department, we aim to promote language learning as a valuable, rewarding and enjoyable experience.

We also provide all students with the opportunity to successfully learn Spanish throughout KS3, with the opportunity to continue with the same language as part of our GCSE options.

We equip students with a range of structures, skills and vocabulary in order to understand and to communicate effectively in a foreign language.

We enable students to work independently, in pairs and as part of a group in a variety of activities, so that the learning of a foreign language can contribute to the development of key skills, citizenship and team work.

We promote equality of opportunity in the learning of Spanish, so that no one feels discriminated against and everyone can realise their potential.

We foster a positive attitude towards language learning and to the students’ respective cultures.

We develop further cultural awareness through a programme of visits and residential trips, as well as theatre visits and extra-curricular activities.