As required by the Admissions Code, the governing body are consulting on the admissions arrangements for 2025/26 as it has been 7 years since this was last carried out. There are no proposed changes other than the defining of wording to ensure our arrangements are compliant with the Admissions Code and Diocese Guidance.
St Augustine’s Federated Schools: CE High School welcomes children from all faiths and of no faith. As a voluntary aided Church of England school, we aim to provide an education based on Christian values and have close links with our parish church where school worship takes place at times during the year. Governors hope that parents who have chosen this school for their child have done so knowing that it is a Church of England school with a distinctive Christian ethos. Governors therefore expect parents to give their full support to the ethos of the school and hope that all children will attend acts of collective worship and take part in the religious education curriculum offered by the school. This does not remove the right that parents have according to the Educational Reform Act 1988s9(3)… read more here: Admissions Policy & Oversubscription Criteria