
Staff Member 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque commodo eros purus, in tempor ex commodo nec. Ut congue tincidunt lacus. Etiam bibendum lectus sit amet orci congue placerat.

New Academic Year Student Start Dates 2024

Please find below the student year group start dates for the new academic year commencing next week:

Monday 2nd September 2024: Staff INSET (Closed to all students)

Tuesday 3rd September 2024: Staff INSET (Closed to all students)

Wednesday 4th September 2024: Year 7 in school only

Thursday 5th September 2024: Years 7 and 12 in school only

Friday 6th September 2024: Years 7, 11, 12 and 13 in school only

Monday 9th September 2024: All Year Groups in school (Including 8, 9, 10)